Why You Should Tell Your Boss About Your Divorce

Ending your marriage is a very private experience and, although you may wish to keep it to yourself, you should consider talking to your boss about it. Of course, you are not obligated to divulge this information, but doing so can be helpful, especially since it may likely interfere with your schedule. We put together some tips that will help you skillfully navigate this conversation with your boss or supervisor.

Talking to Your Boss About Your Divorce

The key to discussing your divorce with your boss is to avoid getting overly confessional. Your boss does not need to know the details about why you are getting a divorce or who may be to blame for it. Instead, your boss needs to know how your divorce may potentially impact your ability to perform your work duties and any upcoming mediation sessions or court dates you have scheduled for which you will have to either miss work or leave early.

Here are some tips that will help you talk to your boss about your divorce:

  • Provide as much information as you can about how your divorce may impact your job. If you think you may need a bit of extra time or understanding, be honest about it.
  • Although your boss may extend some sympathy during this difficult time, you should not use this unfortunate situation as an excuse for why you are not getting your work done. The world will still turn and you still have to meet certain expectations.
  • Inquire about any paperwork that must be updated, such as those related to health care or taxes. If you have a human resources department, these questions may be better suited for them.

Lastly, though it is helpful to inform your boss of your divorce, you may want to be more selective about discussing this deeply personal matter when it comes to co-workers. Otherwise, they may try to bring it up, which can be distracting for you. Your co-workers may mean well, but talking about your divorce at work will likely only make your workday more challenging.

Reach Out to Our Compassionate Family Law Attorney to Discuss Your Divorce

If you are ending your marriage, you need to retain the experienced legal services of a skilled family law attorney. At Tinny, Meyer & Piccarreto, P.A., our family law team is committed to helping families overcome some of the most difficult legal matters. You can rely on us to protect your best interests.

Call our legal team today at (727) 245-9009 to set up a consultation and discuss your divorce case.
