
Talking to Your Children About Divorce

If you and your spouse recently made the decision to get a divorce, you will have to discuss this with your children. How you deliver this life-altering information to them will greatly impact how they ultimately cope with it, so it is crucial to be prepared. Of course, we understand how delicate and emotional this situation will be, which is why we compiled a helpful list of tips that will set you on the right path.

Breaking the News to Your Children

As much as it may be difficult to cooperate with your spouse at this time, you should plan to tell your children about the divorce together. Breaking the news to them together will assure them that, although you will no longer be a couple, you will still raise them as a parenting team. Delivering this news together will also provide a sense of security during a time when life will feel very uncertain and unpredictable for them.

Timing will also be an essential factor in how you plan to have this conversation. Ideally, you should choose a time when they will have ample opportunity to process it and think of any follow-up questions they wish to ask. If you drop this news on them before school, they will not have a chance to discuss it further or ask any questions.

Here are some additional tips for having this important conversation:

  • Do not blame each other for the divorce. Keep in mind that this conversation is for your children’s benefit and not an opportunity to drag each other through the mud. There is no reason for them to know of the details that led to the end of your marriage.
  • Tell your children that you love them. Of course, this is an obvious fact to you and your spouse, but this will be a difficult time for your children and they will need all the assurances they can get.
  • If possible, give them any information you may have regarding the immediate future, such as whether one of you will move out of the family home and how often they may visit. You might not be able to provide many answers now, but you can always tell them more as the situation unfolds.

Even after you successfully get through this conversation, it is important to continue to be available to your children in case they have additional concerns or questions.

Reach Out to Our Knowledgeable Family Law Team to Discuss Your Divorce Case!

If you are getting a divorce and have children, this will be an emotionally challenging experience for your family. However, with skilled and compassionate legal guidance on your side, it can go a lot smoother, so reach out to the team at Tinny, Meyer & Piccarreto, P.A. for the experienced representation you need to get through this process.

Call our law office today at (727) 245-9009 to set up an initial consultation.
