Navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic as a Divorced Parent

No one ever anticipated or was prepared for the challenges precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. For divorced parents, the obstacles presented by this terrible virus may be even greater as they attempt to continue to co-parent their children together. Despite the concerns you may have for the health and safety of your children, however, it is crucial to continue to comply with your parenting plan.

That said, if your schedules drastically changed due to the pandemic and it is no longer practical to follow your parenting plan, you should try to cooperate and be flexible, if possible. Even if you end up petitioning the court for a modification, it will reflect well on you in court if you try to work things out with your former spouse first.

Tips for Co-Parenting During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Many of us are stressed for a number of reasons, whether you recently lost your job, had your hours reduced, are learning how to adjust to working from home, or are simply struggling to cope with isolation. The last thing you want to do is make this situation even more stressful for your family, so you and your co-parent must do your best to work together to overcome these obstacles.

Consider some of the following tips:

  • Now more than ever, communicating clearly and effectively is essential. Try to respond to each other in a timely fashion and keep the lines of communication open.
  • Lead by example for your children by following health and safety guidelines. Moreover, since we must all socially distance ourselves at this time, encourage other ways for your children to stay connected, including video chatting and phone calls.
  • If you have to make adjustments to the parenting plan, consider setting aside some extra time for the parent who lost out on time with the kids after the pandemic is over, so they can reconnect.

Although none of us expected the changes we are now experiencing on a global level, we can all get through it with compassion and a willingness to cooperate.

Discuss the Details of Your Family Law Case with a Compassionate Legal Professional!

If you are encountering family law problems brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic that cannot be solved on your own, you will need an experienced legal team on your side to advise and support you during this difficult time. At Tinny, Meyer & Piccarreto, P.A., our team is backed by more than 35 years of combined experience and a commitment to helping clients navigate even the most sensitive family law cases. You can rely on us to provide the compassionate guidance you need.

Reach out to our law office today at (727) 245-9009 to set up a consultation. Due to COVID-19, we will provide consultations by telephone or video.
